Sep 27, 2011

Man arrested for asking creepy questions

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On the ever growing list of reasons I'll need blood pressure medication when I'm older, some weirdo was arrested on "two counts of misdemeanor harassment" for accosting various women, commenting on their fine looking toes, and ultimately asking to suck on them.

Criminal charges!

The police came and picked him up at his home!

To serve him two counts!

Picture in the paper!



Requisite disclaimer: Yes, this man is surely guilty of being a creep, but at worst he deserves the middle finger and a stern "fuck off" from these women. But criminal charges? Seriously?

I just... I just don't know what to say. It stuns me. And worst of all, everyone else at work just kind of looks at me like I'm overreacting. Which maybe I am, but the point is that it never even registered to them that this might be going a bit far. To them, the slightest bit of deviancy is perfectly reasonable grounds for an arrest. Why not? He's clearly disturbed! Lock 'im up! (Think of the children!)

I understand the desire to want to live in an area free of repugnant individuals, and so the need for swift cleansing tends to build up over time, but at some point we've got to clearly state that it's not a crime to be annoying. Granted, if you are annoying, you better be ready for the consequences, but it shouldn't be a crime.

Instead the man is hauled out of his own home, potentially spends a night or two or three in jail, paraded before a court, and plastered all over every local news site, paper, and evening headlines segment. Convicted or not, the guy’s social life is now ruined over what may possibly have just been at best a lapse in judgment. What could have been a great opportunity to show tolerance, respect, and compassion by getting the guy some help is instead made into a let’s-all-point-and-laugh-at-the-sicko. Way to go, community.


Sep 22, 2011

Some WPF Memory Leak Gotchas

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Just a couple of insights I recently gleaned tracking down memory issues. I used the CLR Profiler and it worked well with snooping on heap allocation to find out what references were still being held onto and by what objects.

Sep 21, 2011

Regaining Automatic Relationship Fix-Up with DbContext POCO Entities


Recently at work I upgraded the WPF application project I've been working on for a few months now to Entity Framework 4.1 so that we could take advantage of the new DbContext class. It was a snap using NuGet, too. When we started, we used database-first and then generated POCO classes via the Entity Framework POCO Generator extension plugin.

I quickly noticed some problems in our application, though. Many of the method names are different between ObjectContext and DbContext, so it required a small bit of refactoring. I didn't have any problems with this, so I didn't suspect anything, but suddenly navigation properties were coming back null when they used to not be. We've got lazy-loading disabled (because we explicitly make data loading calls on asynchronous Tasks), but I was used to navigation properties being filled whenever its associated foreign key integer value changed, provided the associated object was already cached in the context.

Sep 7, 2011

Making Sacrifices, or Turnip Blood Transfusions


Little Rock, where I live, is hoping to increase the sales tax rate. Here's some relevant local news coverage:

You can find lots more just by Googling "little rock sales tax increase" as it is all over the place lately.

Not surprisingly, you'll find me voting no next Tuesday morning.